Am Sonntag, den 23.02.2020, um 7:00 Uhr machten sich 48 gespannte und teils noch etwas verschlafene Schülerinnen und Schüler der 8. bis 10. Jahrgangsstufe mit drei Lehrkräften auf den langen Weg von Nürnberg über den Ärmelkanal bis nach Broadstairs im Südosten Englands. Dieses Mal hat sich die Überfahrt mit der Fähre etwas verzögert, weil Sturm Yulia über Europa fegte. Doch auch die etwas rauere Fährfahrt meisterte die Reisegruppe mit Bravour.
Einige Schüler haben ihre Eindrücke gleich in der frisch trainierten Fremdsprache verfasst:
On Monday morning we went to the Kent School of English to attend classes. There we had to write an English test. For lunch we went to different fast food restaurants at High Street. In the afternoon we did an observation quiz to find our way around town and to learn the traffic laws of England (because they drive on the left side of the road). You know, everyone says in England: “Safety first!”. To walk around town was not that funny because there was heavy rain and we got soaking wet. Typical English weather, we would say. Then we had dinner at our lovely host families. The last activity of the day was watching the film “The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle” at Broadstairs’ cinema.
On the next day we had to go to school the whole day to get one day off for London on Wednesday. But in the evening we met at Cramptons. That’s a typical English pub for grown-ups in the evening. But during the week there’s disco for KSE students like us. It was a great experience and we met some French and Italian students as well.Wednesday was the most important day of the week. We went to London! We were so excited! We started our tour through London by boat from Greenwich. We could see the London Eye, Tower Bridge, St. Paul’s Cathedral and Big Ben. We went off the boat at Westminster and we walked around London with our tour guides. We saw some of the Queen’s Guards and the Buckingham Palace, too. Later we could go shopping in smaller groups or just have a look around the city on ourselves. It was an amazing day!
On Thursday we went to KSE again, but the lessons are different. So, it was funnier than in German schools.
In the afternoon, our coach driver Josef brought us to Canterbury. There we visited famous sights like the Marlowe Theatre, a witch ducking stool or the Canterbury Cathedral. And we could go shopping again!
After dinner we met at the Pavilion next to the seafront. At that evening we learned how to dance the “Do-Si-Do” and the “Two-Hands-Swing” with a live band. PHR won the “World Dance Cup”. That was great!
Friday was our last day at KSE. In the afternoon we went bowling in Ramsgate. Can you imagine that a girl had the highest score of all students! Brilliant! On our way back Josef brought us to a big Tesco supermarket so that we could provide ourselves with some food and drinks for our journey back home the next day. The last activity for this lively time was karaoke. Some of us practised already during the whole week to give a superb performance. Mostly everyone of our school sang a song, even our teachers Mrs Scheffel and Mr Scheffel, Mrs Beck and Mrs Reif. We had so much fun! It was a great activity to finish such a thrilling week.
Am Samstag, den 29.02.2020 ging es dann für alle wieder nach Hause, leider wartete in Dover erneut ein Sturm auf uns, weshalb das Übersetzen mit der Fähre für einige Schüler, wie auch Lehrer, zu einer Herausforderung für die Magengrube wurde.
Dennoch konnten wir alle Schülerinnen und Schüler am späten Abend wohlbehalten ihren Eltern wieder übergeben.
K. Scheffel, StRin (RS)
U. Beck, StRin (RS)
B.Reif, StRin (RS)